Your Style Your Way - Amelia Hambrook

A little while ago we had a great opportunity to work with Amelia Hambrook, a children’s commercial photographer and filmmaker from the UK, now based in the US. You can view more of Amelia’s work and beautiful images of her daughter India and little Hugo on her blog or follow @amelia_hambrook. We love how Amelia styles our pieces on Hugo. She brilliantly styles our Beach Candy dungarees straps on top of our blue striped Fin shirt. The lines and colours just come together in a fun way - and that's what FIN and ZEE is all about! #yourstyleyourway
We design so that our customers get to play around with our pieces in their own way, and create their own unique style through effortless adjustments. You don't need to buy lots of different items to freshen up your little one's wardrobe.
Scroll down to view Amelia’s latest photo series featuring our Fin shirt, Pure linen trousers and Finnery dungarees.